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  GUÍA para el paciente

para entender la Micro-Odontología con AIRE ABRASIVO


Respuestas a las preguntas más comunes acerca de la tecnología dental

¿Que es el aire abrasivo?

El aire abrasivo es un suave spray consistente de una mezcla de aire y polvo que remueve la caries del diente SIN ANESTESIA.


¿Duele el aire abrasivo?

Nunca!... Controlando la velocidad y la intensidad del polvo y el aire, su dentista puede hacer cavidades dentales virtualmente sin dolor.

NO es necesaria una INYECCIÓN anestésica, por lo tanto no sufrirá sus efectos secundarios como lo son, labios caídos, dormidos y paralizados.

El arte y la ciencia de la micro odontología han cambiado, ofreciendo el tratamiento contra la caries;    SIN AGUJAS, SIN FRESAS, SIN RUIDOS Y SIN TEMOR.


¿Que otra información hay sobre el aire abrasivo?

   Al dirigir un delgado fluido de aire abrasivo en el área de la caries, nosotros removemos mínimas secciones del diente, eliminando SOLAMENTE el tejido cariado y respetando al máximo el tejido sano. Hasta ahora todos los dentistas usaban la ruidosa turbina realizando con la fresa una gran cavidad, comparándola con el haz de polvo que realizará el aire abrasivo, para remover la porción de la estructura del diente cariada. El aire abrasivo realiza solo una PEQUEÑA cavidad y es parte de la Micro-Odontología- La alta tecnología odontológica de punta.


¿Que es la Micro-Odontología?

   Es la Filosofía y práctica de descubrir y realizar el tratamiento lo más temprano posible, y la de remover lo menos posible la estructura dental, de hacer lo más pequeñas posible las obturaciones y de asegurarse que estas sean estéticamente agradables y que tengan más tiempo de duración. El aire abrasivo es un elemento que remueve la caries y prepara el diente para su restauración, de una forma segura y lo mas importante SIN DOLOR ni anestesia.


¿Que debería saber sobre detección precoz y tratamiento?

   Ante la menor sospecha de caries en un diente, Acuda a nuestro consultorio para ponerle una tintura detectora de caries sobre el área del diente sospechoso. Esta tintura ayuda a identificar la posición y la extensión de la caries, aún la que no es visible a simple vista, para así mantener en lo posible la estructura dental sana no afectada. Nada mas quitamos la caries respetando su diente sano.


¿Si me detectan una caries dental, puede ser tratada inmediatamente?

   SI. Inmediatamente y en poco tiempo. La detección precoz significa tratamiento temprano. ¡Aquí estamos hablando de caries, o sea infección del diente!.. ¿Porqué esperar que la caries se extienda y la cavidad se haga más grande? En nuestro consultorio podemos solucionar su problema de caries, en el mismo día devolviéndole a sus dientes  la salud dental. SIN  ANESTESIA, SIN TALADRO, SIN FRESAS, SIN ESE MOLESTO RUIDO, SIN VIBRACIONES Y EN SOLO 45 SEGUNDOS.


¿Porqué el aire abrasivo es superior a las  fresas?

   El equipo de aire abrasivo que se usa en lugar de las fresas es de marca Kreativ System. Su tecnología elimina olores, ruidos, fresas, vibración, pequeñas fracturas y lo mas importante SIN ANESTESIA.


¿El aire abrasivo se puede usar en todo tipo de caries?

   SI. En grandes rasgos se pueden considerar tres estadios principales en la evolución de una caries. En el primero, es atacado el esmalte y luego la dentina; en el segundo se halla involucrada la pulpa y en el tercero aparecen quistes y abscesos  periapicales. Es en el primero donde se usa esta técnica, ya que en el segundo se hace necesario un tratamiento de conducto, y en el tercero el diente es necesario el tratamiento de conductos y cirugía periapical.

Una vez que el aire abrasivo elimina la caries, ¿Como se rellena la cavidad?

   Esta es literalmente la parte más hermosa. En nuestro consultorio  rellenamos la cavidad con un material del color del diente, EXENTO de mercurio, haciéndolo mucho más fuerte, más duradero y resistente a nuevas caries. Este procedimiento también lo hacemos con tecnología de punta usando Luz de arco de plasma, en solo 3 segundos.


   El mecanismo de generación de luz por medio del arco de plasma es nuevo en la comunidad dental. La fuente de luz en la unidad de arco de plasma es un bulbo de Xenón. Dos sondas crean un potencial de alto voltaje que ioniza el gas ( plasma ) y emite una chispa que emite luz (arco).

   La NASA originalmente desarrolló la tecnología del arco de plasma para estudiar la re-entrada del calor de los vehículos espaciales creando un arco entre la sonda y el escudo o protector. Desde aquí la tecnología ha desarrollado equipamientos para los instrumentos médicos.

   La Apollo 95E de Dental/Medical Diagnostics (Woodland Hills, CA ) es un ejemplo de luz de arco de plasma. La lámpara produce una luz blanca de alta intensidad que es filtrada permitiendo una luz azul con un rango entre 400 a 500 nm.  La cantidad total de luz azul emitida es varias veces mayor que con la lámpara de curado convencionales.

   Un cronómetro sobre la luz limita cada exposición a un máximo de 3 segundos en cada activación y da un período latente de 1.5 segundos en el cual la luz no puede ser activada . Este tiempo previene el excesivo calentamiento de los tejidos que puede ocurrir cuando hay sobre-exposición.

   Es importante hacerle saber que este tipo de luz, NO daña ningún tipo de tejidos, como lo podría ser, sus encías, sus piezas dentales, Y lo mas importante NO causa DOLOR.


¿Queda bien?

Definitivamente SI. Se va a ver como un diente sano y reluciente.



¿Pueden los niños tanto como los adultos beneficiarse con esta tecnología?

   Totalmente SI. El aire abrasivo está perfectamente indicado para los niños. La mayoría de las cavidades que son detectadas precozmente, pueden se tratadas inmediatamente, SIN ANESTESIA sin fresas, sin ruido ni agujas. El diente es restaurado con materiales de aspecto natural que protegen su estructura. La mayoría de los niños no se dan cuenta de lo que el dentista está haciendo.

¿Para que otros tratamientos sirve el aire abrasivo?

   Además de lo mencionado anteriormente, se usan en los siguientes procedimientos: Reparación de dientes astillados, fracturados o desgastados. Preparación de la odontología cosmética (Blanqueamientos en SOLO 20 MINUTOS) Remoción de manchas, Sellado de puntos y fisuras.  

   La mayoría de la gente le teme al dentista, hasta que tienen la experiencia del proceso suave y agradable del aire abrasivo y la Micro-Odontología.

   Usted puede ser el afortunado en experimentar esta nueva tecnología que se basa en no producir dolor ni temor y que se dirige a la conservación, estética y cuidado de la salud bucal.


  • What is the Air abrasion and how does it to work?air_abrasion_diagram.gif
  • What does it mean to you as a patient?
  • Will it hurt?
  • Is it safe?
  • What can it be used for?
  • What does it sound like?
  • Are any precautions necessary?
  • If I come to your office, will I be treated with the air abrasion unit?

What is the Air abrasion and how does it to work?

It's a new instrument that can be used as an alternative to the drill in many procedures.  A microscopically fine powder is carried to the tooth by a stream of air, gently spraying away decay.  In a simple sense, you cold say it works like a precise miniature sandblaster.

What does it mean to you as a patient?

Thanks to its precision and gentleness, the air abrasion unit allows us to treat decay at an earlier stage without as much removal of healthy tooth material, thereby helping to preserve the strength of the tooth.  Teeth treated this way may be less likely to require crowns in the future.  Smaller fillings are less susceptible to wear and may last longer.

The air abrasion system creates a cavity surface that is so ideal for use with tooth-colored (composite) fillings, we can place those fillings faster than ever before.  In some instances, using the air abrasion unit actually allows us to complete your treatment in fewer visits.

Will it hurt?

The aspect of the air abrasion that many patients appreciate most is its comfort.  The system greatly reduces heat and vibration, two sources of discomfort traditionally associated with fillings.  That's why this system is often used without anesthetics.  This also enhances our ability to treat patients who are pregnant or medically compromised.  With air abrasion, we can often treat children without the two things they fear most- the needle and the drill.  But since for some people air abrasion may involve minor discomfort, it would be inaccurate to call it "painless".


(Left) Older methods of removing decay and filling cavities require the removal of a substantial amount of healthy tooth structure.

(Right) Air abrasion makes it easier to create fillings that leave more of your healthy tooth structure intact.  The filling remains small and the tooth remains strong throughout your lifetime.


Is it safe?

Absolutely.  The tiny particles we use are alpha alumina, a pure biocompatible substance long used in medicine and food.  In fact, it is a prime ingredient in several popular whitening toothpastes.  Only a tiny amount of this microscopically fine powder is actually used in each procedure and most of it is immediately removed by our evacuation system.  Scientific tests show that patients would have to undergo about 28 typical 20-30 second air abrasion procedures in order to inhale enough alpha alumina to equal the weight of one grain of table salt.  The amount inhaled in a single procedure is about 1000 times less that then limit established by the Occupational Safety and Heath Administration.

What can it be used for?

Besides tooth-colored fillings, the air abrasion is very useful in a number of cosmetic procedures such as veneers, inlays and onlays.  It also allows us to apply protective sealants in a matter of seconds- a time frame even shorter than the attention span of most youngsters.

What does it sound like?

The noticeable sound most patients hear is the evacuation system that removes particles from the mouth.  It sounds similar to a quiet vacuum cleaner.  The air abrasion unit itself makes a blowing sound similar to an aerosol can being sprayed.

Are any precautions necessary?

We will ask you to wear special glasses to protect your eyes from irritation.  As an added precaution, we will sometimes shield off parts of your mouth which aren't being treated.

If I come to your office, will I be treated with the air abrasion unit?

Not necessarily.  Thought the air abrasion procedure will dramatically reduce our overall reliance on the drill, it is not appropriate for every part of every procedure.  For example, we will continue to use the drill to remove silver (amalgam) fillings and do crown preparations.  Please ask us about the role the air abrasion might play in your treatment.


Patients treated without anesthesia


Patients who prefer air abrasion over the drill


Patients who would not request anesthesia next time


Patients who consider themselves dentaphobics





MicroDentistry is the philosophy and practice of finding and treating decay as early as possible, of removing as little tooth structure as possible, of making the smallest possible restorations (fillings) and of assuring that those restorations are aesthetically pleasing and long lasting.





The smallest of defects on your teeth can be viewed on a television screen using the magnification obtained from an intra-oral camera. These areas often do not show up well on X-rays and previously have been left to get larger. These areas can now be investigated with a very fine beam of air and powder. This painless procedure will confirm the extent of any decay, which may be present.
Early detection means early treatment. Why wait for decay to spread or for the cavity to get bigger? We can take care of it straight away, giving you healthier teeth and preventing or delaying more complicated treatment.

 Air Abrasion:is the part of the procedure that removes the decay and prepares the tooth for restoration.without anaesthesia


Injection Free Dentistry : Air Abrasion 
Air abrasion is a very new advanced dental technology. So new that only a few dental practices in the country have it.
Air abrasion can replace the dental handpiece (drill).It uses a concentrated stream of air and a super fine powder to remove decay without drilling.

  Because there is no drill there's often no need for anaesthetic (and no needles).
Another benefit of air abrasion is that more of the tooth structure can be preserved than ever before. Thanks to the accuracy of the air stream, only the decay is removed, not the healthy part of the tooth. see our page on microdentistry.

Dr.Saldivar has an air abrasion unit installed and this can provide a stress free alternative to a needle and drill for small cavities.

Ask if it is suitable to treat your mouth this way.


Spray Away
Tooth Decay!!  

                            Drill-Free Dentistry

"No Shots and No Drills?" NO KIDDING! Air Abrasion is a relatively new dental procedure used in place of a traditional dental drill, to remove decay and prepare teeth for fillings. We simply use a small handheld piece of equipment to bombard the tooth area with a stream of powder. This powder hits the tooth under high pressure  and  blasts away any decay. Because of the tiny particles used, the technique is sometimes called 'micro-abrasion'.

Although not appropriate for procedures such as crown or bridge preparation, we can use air abrasion to repair cracks, discolorations, and prepare teeth for bonding procedures. In fact, the technique prepares the tooth surface to provide maximum adhesion for cosmetic work, and increased bonding strength in both restorative and cosmetic applications. Plus, it's great for conducting young children's dental treatments, eliminating the sometimes frightening noise, vibrations, and discomfort associated with a dental drill.

Easy on You

The air abrasion procedure is both simple and effective. First, we may ask you to wear protective glasses so that the tiny, harmless dust particles do not bother your eyes. As we begin the procedure, we gently move the hand-piece into position and blow the air stream at the tooth to be treated. This results in a small amount of harmless, gritty debris, that we will spray and vacuum out of your mouth during the abrasion; we simply rinse away any remaining particles after the procedure.

Effective on Teeth

Air abrasion's minute particles allow such amazing precision that more of the tooth structure is actually preserved than with traditional drill procedures. Furthermore, there's less risk of enamel micro-fracturing. It also entails minimal discomfort, since the equipment does not produce vibration or heat; thus the procedure rarely requires anesthetic. And finally, it's both quieter and faster than using a drill.



                        High-Tech & Cosmetic Care

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Are you absolutely delighted with your smile? You will be. Cosmetic dentistry can dramatically change your smile––often in just one or two visits––and the results can last a lifetime. Do you have older, unattractive mercury-silver fillings? Crooked teeth? Dark stained teeth? Or spaces between your teeth? Would you like to have beautifully white, straight teeth? Now you can. With new advancements in dental technology, your dental imperfections can be corrected quickly, comfortably, and for less than you think. The results of cosmetic dentistry are beautiful, long lasting, and completely natural looking teeth. The following are examples of the latest products and procedures in cosmetic dentistry:

Air-Abrasion Technology: The end of the drill! If you fear the needle, the drill (or even the noise), then Air-Abrasion Technology is your answer. This new procedure in drill-free, shot-free, pain-free dentistry allows Dr.Saldivar to use a light air-and-powder mix to gently spray away decay and replace old fillings without the need for a drill, and in most cases without the need for a shot. Can it really be pain-free? Yes. No more shots. No more drills. No more pain. Besides removing decay, Air-Abrasion can be used to repair chipped, fractured, or worn teeth; prepare teeth for cosmetic dentistry; remove stains and spots; repaire old fillings; and repaire broken crowns and bridges. Air-Abrasion Technology is truly the future of conservative, comfortable, pain-free dentistry.

Virtual Reality Glasses: Movies anyone? For those people who would rather enjoy a movie (or may be nervous about dentistry), Dr. Saldivar offers Virtual Reality Glasses and a wide variety of films and animation to help keep your eyes, ears, and mind off your dental appointment. Everyone who has used this new convenience at Dr.Saldivar office has loved it––there has been one common complaint though––dental appointments aren’t long enough to finish the films! (Some discerning patients have actually stayed just to watch the end of their movie.) Come see how fun it is. 


"Dr. Saldivar let's you watch your favorite movie."

Cavitron Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology: The Cavitron ultrasonic cleaner is a state of the art instrument that has proved to be an extremely successful tool in removing tartar from both above and below the gumline. Instead of scaling your teeth with bulky metal hand scalers, the Cavitron ultrasonic cleaner uses oscillating sound waves to gently vibrate the tartar away from your teeth. The Cavitron unit is so gentle that it can even be used to administer deep cleaning and gum therapy, many times without the need for anesthetic. Having your teeth cleaned with the Cavitron unit is a safe, effective, and painless alternative to traditional cleaning methods. Ask about the Cavitron ultrasonic cleaner the next time that you are due for your general cleaning.


Teeth Whitening:ONLY 20 MINUTES. How would you like to have a brighter, whiter smile? Now you can. 20 MINUTES IN OUR OFFICE.And 15 days or less in your home.Teeth whitening is so easy that the majority of the work is performed while you sleep. This procedure is highly recommended by Dr. Saldivar. (In fact, Dr. Saldivar and his staff have all whitened their teeth with this process.) It’s easy. Dr. Saldivar takes a quick mold of your teeth and then makes custom whitening trays that fit your teeth perfectly. You are provided with a gentle whitening agent that is placed inside the trays and then worn over several nights while you sleep. The process couldn’t be easier, and the results are fantastic––whiter, brighter teeth.


before after

                 before                                                     after

Contouring: Contouring is a technique performed without the need for a shot, and is one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve the appearance of your teeth. During the process, your teeth are smoothed and polished, correcting any rough edges and unevenness, all in the course of one simple visit. The results are immediate and the effects are permanent. Your teeth are reshaped to give you a beautiful, straight smile. You leave the dental office with an attractive new smile. It’s quick, it’s easy, and best of all, there is no pain involved.

before  after

before                                                      after

White Fillings: White fillings are one of the best ways to improve the health of your smile. Many of us have a mouthful of outdated fillings from the dark ages of dentistry. Dark, unattractive, mercury-silver fillings dot the mouths of millions of people who would otherwise have beautiful smiles. These old silver fillings downgrade the appearance and the strength of your teeth, and can commonly break or fracture the teeth, which might result in the need for future crowns, root canals, or possibly even extractions. But today you can replace these old fillings with state-of-the-art, mercury-free, white fillings. These beautiful alternatives to silver fillings are matched perfectly to the color of your teeth, and because they are bonded in place, they can restore almost 100% of the original strength of your teeth. With white fillings the natural health and beauty of your teeth can be renewed.

before  after

before                                                      after

Conservative Porcelain Veneers: What are veneers? Veneers are an exciting new alternative to braces sometimes referred to as “instant orthodontics.” Many times your new smile can be completed in just one to two visits––without the need for bulky metal braces or surgery. They can turn a crooked smile into a beautiful one “instantly,” unlike the years it can take for braces to be effective. Also unlike the alternative of crowns, which require the teeth to be considerably reduced, veneer preparations are very conservative––correcting only a thin layer of the enamel of the teeth. After Dr. Logan’s initial shaping, a very thin layer of porcelain is placed on the teeth to create an entirely new smile. Since their introduction, veneers have become a popular option for millions of people. Veneers are strong and durable, and they have the flawless beauty of perfectly natural teeth. The procedure is painless and the results can dramatically enhance the appearance of your smile.

before  after

before                                                      after

Smile Catalog: The following photos are examples of designs within the Smile Catalog that may be used in determining the shape of your ideal smile. Some may have more of a feminine effect and some more masculine. Dr. Saldivar can help you to decide which design is best for you. Ask to see the Smile Catalog at your next appointment.


With these advancements in cosmetic dentistry, you and Dr. Saldivar are able to customize a beautiful smile that is just right for you––and teeth that can last a lifetime. Cosmetic dentistry is one of the easiest ways that you can enhance the appearance of your smile and open the door to a whole new life. Your smile is what most people notice about you first, so stop hiding it! And with your new smile can come a new sense of self-confidence. So why wait any longer? There has never been a better time to treat yourself to a beautiful change in your appearance. You’ll find yourself smiling much more often.

Blanqueamiento dental Iceberg: blanqueamiento dental en clínica y/o blanqueamiento dental en casa. Tus dientes blancos con blanqueamiento dental Iceberg.




                                    Drilless Dentistry - Air Abrasion:

There's exciting news in the world of dentistry! In some cases a method called air abrasion provides an alternative to the drill! Dr. Saldivar are proud to offer drilless fillings through the use of a process that "sandblasts" the tooth to rapidly remove tooth decay and enamel. It uses a pressurized stream of microscopic, non-toxic abrasive powder to remove the decay.


Air abrasion is quiet! The only noise is a sound similar to a vacuum cleaner. It doesn't produce the vibrations or heat that a drill does. For all patients, air abrasion requires no anesthesia!

Call today to see if air abrasion is right for you!  01152868  8130046

                              Cosmetic and Family Dental Services

Here at Dental Office of Dr.Saldivar, we are committed to bringing you that special smile from cheek to cheek, in more ways than one.

Our flexibility allows us to face any challenge, no matter how detailed or complicated. We have day and evening hours available, and we’re also well equipped for prompt emergency care.

If you’re not sure whether you can afford high quality dental care, than give us a call to find out. We have an assortment of affordable payment plans, for your convenience. We also process and participate with most insurances.

It is our pleasure to present you with a brighter, happier tomorrow! Be sure to ask one of our professionals for a complete breakdown of the dentistry services we have to offer.

We provide the following services:


  • Bleaching 
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Dentures
  • Bonding
  • Whitening
  • Child Dental Services
  • Implants
  • Drill-Free Dental Services

Anyone who has had dental treatment in their past will certainly remember two things - the injection for the anaesthetic and the drill. Well things are certainly changing. A new type of dentistry being practiced by Dr Saldivar requires no shots and no drill !!! Instead, the drill is replaced by a silent device which literally "blows" the cavity away via advanced particle beam technology known as air abrasion. Most patients report little if any sensitivity to the procedure. Another big advantage is that the patient no longer has a period of time during which he/she must wait for the numbness to wear off.

Micro-air abrasion is a drill-free techique for preparing teeth for fillings. It has been lauded as one of the most important advancements in dentistry and allows the dentist to diagnose decay more accurately and treat it earlier than with traditional methods. For patients this means fillings without the pain and noise that can cause fear and apprehension. Air abrasion is a bit like microscopic sand blasting.


Natural Smiles Gallery





Although air abrasion does not replace the drill in every instance, it is an ideal technology to repair teeth that have early or superficial cavaties - a technique that is being called micro-dentistry. These small cavities are then filled with a tooth-coloured material called a composite resin, which results in a virtually invisible filling. To perform micro-air abrasion, the dentist uses an instrument similar to a tiny sand blaster to deliver a gentle stram of tiny aluminium oxide particles to the tooth surface, the high pressure particle spray cuts away the decayed area. There is no heat and no vibration and the procedure usually can be performed without anaesthesia.

Micro-air abrasion can be used by dentists to detect decay more acurately even when the decay may still be invisible through x-rays. This new technology can reduce the need for future dental procedures that may be more complicated, more invasive and more expensive. For the first time we can now treat our patients without an injection with local anaesthetic and without noise associated with the high-speed drill. Our patients are very enthusiastic about air abrasion - it is usually painless and it often means less time under the bright light of the dentist chair.

What Is Air Abrasion?

Air abrasion, also called "microabrasion" and kinetic cavity preparation, is a method of tooth structure removal considered to be an effective alternative to the standard dental drill.

Air abrasion technology functions much like the sandblasting technique used to clear graffiti from walls. An air abrasion handpiece blows a powerful air stream of tiny, fine aluminum oxide particles out of its tip onto tooth structure. Air abrasion uses the kinetic energy principle, in which particles bounce off the tooth and blasts the decay away.

It most commonly is used to prepare various types of cavities to be restored with composites, or "white fillings." Air abrasion also can be effectively used to repair cracks and discolorations, prepare tooth surfaces for bonding procedures, and perform additional procedures.

What are its advantages?
Air abrasion procedures are virtually painless, which, in most cases, eliminates the need for an anesthetic injection. Air abrasion systems produce no vibration and no heat from friction. The technology can't harm soft mouth tissue and they operate very quietly. Because air abrasion cuts tooth surfaces with the utmost precision, it removes less tooth than the drill and it reduces the risk of enamel micro-fracturing. In other words, the advantages are more of your tooth is preserved, there is little or no discomfort, no anesthetic numbness is needed, and treatment time is usually shorter.

How does air abrasion work?
Air abrasion procedures can leave an accumulation of harmless, dusty particle debris in the patient's mouth, resulting in a gritty feeling that is eradicated by rinsing. Your dentist may require you to wear protective glasses during the procedure, and a rubber dam may be applied inside your mouth and around the tooth area being treated to serve as a particle barrier. To reduce dust buildup, the dentist or dental assistant may use a vacuum hose or a water spray technique while administering air abrasion.

Is air abrasion suitable for everyone?
Yes. It is an especially good option for children who may be afraid of the needle, and the noise, and vibration of a regular dental drill. However, there are some treatments, like crown and bridge preparation, that still require the use of a dental drill. Air abrasion can't be used as an alternative in every procedure.

Who will provide my air abrasion treatment?
Your general dentist, who has been trained in restorative dentistry techniques, will perform any procedures that use air abrasion technology. Ask your dentist if he or she uses air abrasion equipment and if this technique is right for you.

MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT  RIGHT NOW : drjaviesaldivar@hotmail.com          


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